LCFS Mini Ballers and Mini Sports is all about having fun!

During our 45 minute session we use colours, shapes, numbers, basic movements and a lot of fun and laughter, this makes it a great introduction to football and sport.

Our FA qualified coaches and qualified Early years educators have produced a fantastic program allowing each child to grow and develop in the 3 prime areas of the EYFS. These areas are;

  • physical development
  • personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication and language.

It is also a great opportunity for parent child bonding, for our younger mini ballers parents/carer participation will be needed.

As they get older we will encourage the mini ballers to become more independent in their activities, but are to be supervised at all times.

We currently run 2 sessions on a Thursday Mornings, however we will be expanding our sessions in the future.

Please contact Jo on 07791655479